Monday, May 16, 2011

Who Decides Your Destiny?

The rich have everything in the world to say about policies foreign and domestic. They have everything to say about what everybody else can and can not do. They have everything to say about what should happen to our hard work that, through modern economics, is converted into money. They fight tooth and nail to hoard every last cent they take and then take more in every way they can at every expense to everybody else. It isn't their fault. It is our fault. We allow this to happen on a second to second basis that grows out of control when we fail to observe what the environment around us is doing. When we fail to observe our environment we fail to adapt to it in a way that guarantees our survival and success within that environment.

As human beings we are given a gift of consciousness to a degree that allows us to modify our environment and we can fit within the success of Nature or fight against it. Fighting against natural law will certainly yield some sort of result at first that could appear to be favorable, but in the end, it is still fighting AGAINST the Nature from which we come and ultimately leads to our place in Nature being destroyed by our own decisions.

We have been voting for "leaders" outside of ourselves. The only person fit to lead you is you and when you vote against that by acquiescing to the ideas of another individual, you are agreeing to give up your ability to decide for yourself what is best for you. You then allow someone else to decide what is best for them to allow or disallow for you.

We need to wake up, and wake up quickly as did the minute men in the American Revolution woke up quickly to any call of need for their assistance in fighting in the revolution. Vote for YOURSELF to be president. Vote for YOURSELF to decide for YOURSELF. If everyone were to truly embrace the natural evidence that they are the owners of their soul and body, and a majority of votes did not go to bought and paid for candidates in an election of leadership, the only choice would be to allow us to lead ourselves.

This would not succeed without a fight. The current power structure can not survive with us leading the direction of our own lives and it will refuse to allow it. It will not discontinue its attempt to force us into living like cattle. It would come after us and use every power at its disposal to attempt to break our Human Spirit. If they are to attack us, we are to DEFEND the Human Spirit. There is no other way. Sentience should never force itself upon another. There must be agreement and so far, we have agreed to horrific crimes against the Human Spirit and thus have become accomplices to this evil act. It is our own fault and it must stop.

I do not agree with violence. Violence is the act of force against another consciousness and it occurs on far too many levels. Human against human, human against nature, human against itself. Violence is not treating others as we would like to be treated, and it teaches us nothing more than how to disintegrate our integrity and place in Nature. If violence is brought upon another, it only breeds more violence and thus ensures its perpetuity and grip on the advocates of its use.

In fact, the current power structure relies heavily on the use of violence to maintain its grip on Human consciousness. This is something we are being encouraged to outgrow and evolve beyond by several other beings on Earth and throughout the resonation of Nature. This is our time to wake up. This is our time to continue with evolution and adapt to our environment in a very profound and meaningful way. It is our choice to make, and we can choose prosperity or destruction. It is up to us regardless of the path we choose, be it fear and destruction, or love and growth, it will be our fault alone.

"Folks, it's time to evolve. That's why we're troubled. You know why our institutions are failing us, the church, the state, everything's failing? It's because, um – they're no longer relevant. We're supposed to keep evolving. Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs. You do know that, right? There's another 90 percent of our brains that we have to illuminate."

-Bill Hicks, 1978-1994

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Plank Lodged Within Our Third Eye.

So it was announced that Osama Bin Laden is dead. This announcement was met with many people celebrating murder as an answer to murder. This celebration in the U.S. and other countries is understood by me to be some sense of joy and support of the bloodshed in the Middle East. We should not be so quick to scream about a speck of saw dust in the eyes of others when we have a plank within our own.

I can see how people blind with rage that have not noticed several things about the attack on the U.S. could believe there is some sense justice in this announcement. However, this is missing the point in the bigger picture that if ignored ...will continue to unwind in a spiral of bloodlust and destruction of human life.

Look at the civilian casualties in the Middle East in the past 10 years alone, the U.S. military has killed hundreds of thousands civilians who have families that begin to feel the same human emotions that families of 3,000 victims here felt at the end of 2001. That's far more than 30 times more people with less to lose that would very likely feel the same blind rage against the U.S. because of the U.S. military's boots stomping out human life across the Middle East.

There is no sense of justice in the blind slaughter of life. I repeat myself too often when I say that I view all life on Earth and across the universe as one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. If someone kills or harms another, it is only causing harm to their self, and to cause harm to those that caused harm is just doing the same exact thing. To be blind with rage and bloodlust is no justification for murder, because it will always feed itself and the loop will never close. We will learn to forsake violence if we are to evolve. We will learn to read deeper into events if we are to evolve.

"I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

-Martin Luther King Jr.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

-Mahatma Gandhi